
Right-Align Text On BlackBerry BasicEditField

It would seem a simple thing to do, no? In fact, positioning/aligning text has become such an abundant demand over the last few years, that the ability to do so in most environments is fairly trivial. And if you’re working predominantly in the web field, it’s a no-brainer. The native Java components for BlackBerry are a little different however.

An exhaustive search on RIMs support forums and in general, “the internet” reveals many a frustrated developer struggling with the right-alignment of text within a field. I’m emphasizing that since there’s also a lot of confusion with right-aligning the field itself; an entirely different and altogether more straightforward task.

The gritty: you need to handle drawing the text yourself.
The algorithm:
* blank out the field entirely (i.e. fill the background with white paint)
* drawText() in your label at 0, 0
* drawText() in your text with DrawStyle.RIGHT
* fillRect() a cursor at the right hand side of the input field

The catch:
maintain a local copy of the text value of the field

The bonus:
Along the way I started stumbling across other ideas for highlighting the input field and making it a little more catchy for the user.

Here’s a screenshot of my custom input field with the focus.

Right Aligned Input Field
Right Aligned vs Default

You’ll notice the default field below it (R120) is the BlackBerry standard BasicEditField. The R1234 field is my custom field, with highlighted background, slightly pronounced text and right-aligned with a dark cursor on the right edge.

Kudos, references and inspiration drawn from:


Manage Cookies with BlackBerry Java

When interacting with [generally and widely interpreted] web services, you may be required to communicate state (usually a login authentication token). This [usually] takes the form of a cookie and in our interconnected wide world of interwebs, browsers handle cookies just fine; custom-built clients not always. On the BlackBerry, if you’re putting together a Java app, and using the HttpConnection class to communicate with said server, you need to manage that cookie (and hence state) by yourself. Fortunately, it’s not rocket science.

The basic workflow is: you connect to the endpoint and POST some data. On the response, you need to read the headers and look for the “Set-Cookie” field. From that value, you can extra the data you need. On all subsequent requests, you set the “Cookie” field on the header. Simple. Time for some code.

NOTE: Exception handling omitted for brevity and readability.

The first request is just a regular POST in this instance. The buffer variable is a byte[].

HttpConnectionFactory factory = new HttpConnectionFactory(endpoint);
HttpConnection connection = factory.getNextConnection();
connection.setRequestProperty("User-Agent", "BlackBerry Client");
connection.setRequestProperty("Accept", "*/*");
connection.setRequestProperty("Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded");
OutputStream output = connection.openOutputStream();

From that request, we wait for the response and read that. In this example, I am looking for the PHPSESSID field that was set as part of the response in the header.

String cookie = connection.getHeaderField("Set-Cookie");
if(null != cookie) {
  int php = cookie.indexOf("PHPSESSID=");
    if(0 <= php) {
      php += "PHPSESSID=".length();
      int term = cookie.indexOf(";", php);
      if(0 <= term) {
        _session = cookie.substring(php, term);

Now I have the token required (cookie) that I can now send on every subsequent request. The code for that is for all intensive purpose, the same as the first code snippet with one additional line:

connection.setRequestProperty("Cookie", "PHPSESSID=" + _session + ";");

The order of the setting of the request properties won’t make a difference, so just use that anywhere before you open the output stream for writing.


Upgrading BlackBerry Eclipse Plugin And Old Component Packs

If you find yourself wondering how to use your old component packs (and hence simulators) from the first Eclipse plugin (v1.0), there’s a great discussion on the support forums tackling exactly that.
Creating an .ee file and adding the JRE to the workspace worked like a charm for me. I’m using the upated plugin v1.1.2 on Eclipse 3.5 and all this has been an incremental update from 1.0 (beta).

perspective Technology

Context Switching

It’s expensive, mentally and resourcefully, but it’s rewarding. It also isn’t easy, which is probably why it’s not advocated by the populous, but it is rewarding. And it’s filled with all sorts of risks and dangers, but definitely rewarding. Rewarding if you get it right.

After months on Rails (web), Python (web), Objective C (iPhone) and C# (web) projects, i’ve settled my teeth into a juicy little BlackBerry project. It’s taken a lot of mental effort to switch, and in particular, switching to the following:
* the language: Java. New syntax, keywords and run-time nuances in memory management
* the frameworks J2ME and RIM: what do they offer where are all the packages
* the IDE (Eclipse): how does it work and how to customize your environment/experience, and then what else does it offer that no other IDE to date has offered
* the BlackBerry device: where, what, how does it do the things it does
* the unit tests (jmunit cross bunit): new language, new platform, new test harness, same procedures (more or less)
* runtime debugging tools with the simulator and component packs
* mobile development: patterns, architectures, design and development principles
* the UI: a whole new playing field where the only place in the world Managers are your friends
* automated building and testing (still getting there)
* code control and IDE integration

Every day is filled to the brim with slow progress punctuated by episodes of breakthrough bubbles, although a the days wear on, the bubbles are more frequent and the productivity increases naturally on a curve on its own.

The end result: another framework, platform, language, set of tools available at my fingertips to enable me to express a solution to a problem and then successfully execute that solution without too much limitation.

Spin-offs include restless nights, lots of “aarrggg’s”, a lot of debugging and a whole lot more muttering which usually starts with “now how do you do that?”. And that right there has been one of the greatest little nuggets- tackling a project like a n00b, a grom; with all the enthusiasm naivety brings, but with experience (ok, age).