
zaFinApp Update

zaFinApp got some love this evening with an added feature to the loan calculations: residuals. As a result of the residual calculations, a simplified Future Value calculator was also added.

Enjoy the updates and thank for all the suggestions over email. More coming when I get a chance!

zaFinApp is available here. You can also download a version for your desktop (requires Adobe AIR).


zaFin Data Update

If you’re using zaFin on your BlackBerry or using any of the published data via webfeeds, you should note that the data has been updated to reflect the latest changes in the prime lending rate as well as the most recent CPI figures (still waiting for August to be released which should be fairly soon).

On your BlackBerry, click on Update and then *Fetch Latest CPI Values and *Fetch Latest Lending Rate Values.


zaFin Update

If you’re running zaFin on your BlackBerry smartphone, now’s a good time to update the data tables:
* Reserve Bank dropped the lending rate a short while ago
* StatsSA released CPI figures for 2010 up to end of March and
* SARS released the 2011 tax rates for individuals.

Business Technology

zaFin Statistics Update

zaFinTools has been updated with a new function: the statistics calculator. Given a dataset, zaFinTools will give you a descriptive breakdown of the numbers, statistically speaking, by working out and displaying the following information in one go:

Length, Median, Mean, Sum, Sum of Squares, Minimum, Maximum, Range, Variance, Standard Deviation, Co-variance, Mean Absolute Variation, and then the 3 quartile positions and values.


Download zaFin for BlackBerry.