
Sort, BinarySearch and Anonymous Delegates

Generics has undoubtedly made life a lot easier in the world of 1s and 0s and so this code snippet will only deal with the generics version since the code reads a lot easier. This is also a great bookmark post for future reference…

public class Foo {
 public string Alpha {get;set;}
 public string Omega {get;set;}

This shouldn’t bother you too much, we just got Foo. Nice. But now we want to sort a bunch of instantiated Foos, as a “once-off” ascending, according to Alpha.

List<Foo> result = new List<Foo>();
results.Sort(delegate(Foo lhs, Foo rhs) {
                     return lhs.Alpha.CompareTo(rhs.Alpha);

Straightforward. Using the anonymous delegate to achieve that once-off without creating an unnecessary class. You might think you could do the same thing with BinarySearch.

Foo sample = new Foo{Alpha="a", Omega="z"};
results.BinarySearch(sample, delegate(Foo lhs, Foo rhs) { return lhs.Alpha.CompareTo(rhs.Alpha); });

But you can’t. In this case, you actually do need to create an unnecessary class.

Foo sample = new Foo{Alpha="a", Omega="z"};
srchIdx = results.BinarySearch(sample, new FooAlphaComparer());
internal class FooAlphaComparer : IComparer<Foo> {
			public int Compare(Foo lhs, Foo rhs) {
				return lhs.Alpha.CompareTo(rhs.Alpha);

Same one liner in the Compare function, but this time, it has to be a class.

However (there’s always a BUT somewhere even if you call it a ‘however’), with a bit of kung-fu and ninja superpowers (apparently) there is a way to plumb this and make it work- but i tend to shift the complexity in other areas of the problem domain. It gets complicated. Moving right along…

For interest sake, you want to compare by Alpha AND Omega?

public int Compare(Foo lhs, Foo rhs) {
  int cfA = lhs.Alpha.CompareTo(rhs.Alpha);
  int cfO = lhs.Omega.CompareTo(rhs.Omega);
  if(0 != cfA) { //Alphas are not equal
    return cFA;
  } else if(0 != cfO) {   
     return cf0; //Alphas are equal but Omegas aren't
  } else {
    return 0; //Alphas are equal and so are Omegas

zaFin Data Update

If you’re using zaFin on your BlackBerry or using any of the published data via webfeeds, you should note that the data has been updated to reflect the latest changes in the prime lending rate as well as the most recent CPI figures (still waiting for August to be released which should be fairly soon).

On your BlackBerry, click on Update and then *Fetch Latest CPI Values and *Fetch Latest Lending Rate Values.


When It Does Work

There are too many reasons why I Love My Mac. And I’m not an Apple fanboy mind you. The iPhone? No way, hose. BlackBerry all the way otherwise, Android or bust. Noooo, the reasons I just simply love my Mac is because it just works (like the brochure says).

Took a new entry-level MacBookPro and swopped in a SSD. Whooaaa. Speed. Seriously. My SSD Rocks. The daunting problem was getting up and going again with all my applications, emails, developer configurations, blah, blah, blah…

Hello, Time Capsule. Hello, Migration Assistant. Hello, Joy. In less than an hour, I’ve got my “old” machine back, on a brand new harddrive, on a brand new spanking machine. And it just works!

I’m so happy right now