
Will it Scale?

When Ruby/Rails is mentioned as a web development platform, the most common response is related to scalability and performance; usually with a liberal dash of skepticism. Fear, uncertainty and doubt, along with a couple of honest posts and reviews, all point to the perception that Rails has some sort of performance problem.

300 million page views per month anyone?

Good to hear about the success stories, no matter the tech, but particularly heartening to see the RoR tech maturing into something more than just a “toy”.


Lords of the Acronymn (or LOTA)

While i was having my foot scratched and scraped clean by the on-duty doctor at the hospital, a colleague of his walks by and a quick “hallway discussion” ensues. What i overheard could have easily been mistaken for a geek conversation. More TLAs, FLAs and AIGs bubbled along than i could follow.

We geeks have nothing on doctors and surgeons. We’re just poser wannabes 😉


Open Source on Launchpad

A synergistic moment if there ever was one.

I love my OS. I don’t dislike my XP. It’s been good to me (and continues to be) but i *really* enjoy working on my ubuntu. And i’m still discovering things about it, which is half the fun right there. And as a result, i was introduced to launchpad.

And i really enjoy working on launchpad. I don’t dislike sourceforge. It’s been good to (and continues to be) but i *really* enjoy working on launchpad. And i’m still discovering things about it, which is half the fun right there. (Codeplex hasn’t really shaken my boots much in any form or manner yet).

I love programming. I don’t dislike .NET. It’s been good to (and continues to be) but i *really* enjoy working with Ruby, and in particular, with Rails. And i’m still discovering things about it, which is half the fun right there. And in all my discovery and learning, it was about time to bring the 3 together, in a practical way which helps me be more productive, first and foremost in keeping a tab on my new adventure as an entrepreneur.

Introducing… timesheet. Nothing new, nothing too fancy. It’s Rails, developed on ubuntu, using *nix editors and IDEs where i could scour them, and hosted on launchpad. It works, it’s functional (and i can even port it sans changes to my XP environment) and readily available. Probably has enough bugs (certainly more roadmap expected) to keep me busy exploring features in launchpad, but at least it looks marginally better than my excel spreadsheet (lol)
